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One Module To Rule Them All; imports everything the user should use and exports it without the IMPL_ cruft. Refer to the documentation of individual modules for more information:

  • state – aglet submodule initialization
  • mesh – vertex and element buffer management
  • program – shader program creation
  • uniform – dynamic GLSL uniform wrapper type
  • target – generic surface for drawing
  • pixeltypes – pixel storage types
  • texture – textures
  • framebuffer – framebuffer and renderbuffer objects
  • drawparams – drawing parameters and OpenGL features
  • window – abstract window interface
  • input – input events
  • util – various utilities like the uniforms macro

In addition to this, you'll need to import a context creation backend:

  • window/glfw – cross-platform context management using GLFW3

As an added bonus, aglet also exports the common vec, mat, and mat_transform modules from nim-glm.


clOr, fmLinearMipmapNearest, cfLessEqual, derive, cfAlways, beAdd, ColorMask, pmPoint, bfOneMinusConstColor, bfOneMinusSrcAlpha, ==, Facing, ccRed, aglet/drawparams, clAndInverted, blendSub, saDecWrap, Hint, noColorLogicOp, saInc, aglet/enums, BlendEquation, polygonMode, saIncWrap, fmNearest, clCopyInverted, bfConstAlpha, defaultDrawParams, clSet, BlendFactor, saReplace, cfEqual, saDec, clNor, PolygonMode, StencilMode, depthTest, bfSrcAlpha, fmLinear, beMin, scissor, bfOneMinusDestAlpha, ColorLogic, StencilAction, clOrReverse, FilteringMode, StencilOp, multisample, fmLinearMipmapLinear, polygonSmooth, blendMax, hintFragmentShaderDerivative, bfSrcAlphaSaturate, cfGreater, ccGreen, AccessModeBit, blendRevSub, blendAdd, clAnd, colorLogicOp, stencil, Winding, cfLess, noDepthTest, cfGreaterEqual, clInvert, beMax, bfOneMinusDestColor, DrawParams, bfOneMinusConstAlpha, stencilOp, finish, clNand, primitiveRestartIndex, colorMask, hintLineSmooth, clXor, hint, BlendFunc, clClear, fmNearestMipmapLinear, hvDontCare, saKeep, clCopy, saZero, saInvert, StencilFunc, windingClockwise, noBlend, pmLine, fmNearestMipmapNearest, pointSize, clNoop, HintValue, CompareFunc, amRead, clOrInverted, hvFastest, lineSmooth, blendMode, lineWidth, clAndReverse, clEquiv, BlendMode, noPrimitiveRestartIndex, programPointSize, ccBlue, faceCulling, AccessMode, stencilMode, bfOne, bfZero, cfNever, blend, amWrite, pmFill, bfDestColor, noStencil, bfConstColor, beSubtract, ccOne, facingBack, facingFront, ColorComponent, beReverseSubtract, dither, frontFace, cfNotEqual, depthMask, bfSrcColor, seamlessCubeMapSampling, ccZero, ccAlpha, noScissor, windingCounterclockwise, stencilMode, blendMin, hintPolygonSmooth, stencilFunc, hvNicest, bfDestAlpha, bfOneMinusSrcColor, newFramebuffer, newFramebuffer, height, height, newFramebuffer, depthStencil, width, multisampled, BlitFilter, newFramebuffer, color, source, aglet/framebuffer_attachment, colorCount, bbColor, blit, Renderbuffer, newFramebuffer, aglet/framebuffer, StencilSource, stencil, stencil, source, multisampled, size, MultiFramebuffer, width, SimpleFramebuffer, BufferBit, source, newFramebuffer, newRenderbuffer, ColorSource, source, bbStencil, render, newFramebuffer, size, newFramebuffer, download, depthStencil, FramebufferSource, depth, size, FramebufferAttachment, newFramebuffer, RenderbufferPixelType, bbDepth, color, downloadSync, depth, download, DefaultFramebuffer, BaseFramebuffer, FramebufferTarget, samples, newFramebuffer, DepthSource, DepthStencilSource, defaultFramebuffer, samples, keyInsert, keyF14, keyF19, mb8, mkShift, key0, Key, keyF7, keyS, keyKp4, keyP, keyApos, iekWindowMove, iekMouseLeave, iekWindowClose, mb7, mb4, keyLBracket, iekMousePress, keyD, keyBackslash, keyComma, keyKpSub, keyW, keyF6, keyF21, keyA, keyF3, keyMinus, keyF11, keyMenu, keyEsc, keyF, key5, keyRCtrl, keyK, keyLeft, keyKp8, keyPgDown, keyI, keyEnd, keyF24, InputEventKind, keyO, keyRight, key3, keyF20, keyCapsLock, keyUnknown, keyF18, iekKeyChar, mb3, iekMouseScroll, key1, keyHome, keyKp1, keyKp3, keyV, keyPeriod, mb5, keyEqual, keyKp5, keyRShift, keyF25, iekKeyPress, mkAlt, mbRight, keySpace, aglet/input, iekMouseMove, iekKeyRepeat, iekWindowIconify, mbMiddle, keyN, keyQ, keyKpEqual, iekKeyRelease, keyY, key7, keyWorld1, keyDown, keyF9, mbLeft, keyScrollLock, mkCapsLock, InputProc, mb1, keyKp7, key6, keyE, keyL, keyUp, keyLShift, keyKp9, keyZ, iekWindowFocus, keyF5, keyBackspace, keyF10, keyX, keyGraveAcc, ModKey, iekMouseRelease, keyDelete, keyTab, keyF22, keyPrintScreen, iekWindowFrameResize, key2, keyG, keyB, keyRSuper, keyF4, mb6, keyF2, keySlash, keyKp2, keySemi, keyKp0, iekMouseEnter, iekWindowScale, mkNumLock, keyEnter, keyM, key9, keyPause, keyT, keyF1, keyC, keyRBracket, keyKpEnter, keyF13, keyLCtrl, keyH, iekWindowResize, keyF8, keyF17, iekWindowRedraw, keyNumLock, MouseButton, keyF15, keyPgUp, keyF12, keyJ, keyWorld2, keyLSuper, iekWindowMaximize, key8, keyR, keyLAlt, keyKpAdd, keyRAlt, key4, mkSuper, mkCtrl, keyKp6, mb2, keyF23, InputEvent, keyKpMult, keyF16, iekFileDrop, keyKpDot, keyU, keyKpDiv, dpTrianglesAdjacency, dpLines, uploadVertices, dpTriangles, primitive=, vertexCount, instanced, draw, Mesh, vboCapacity, newMesh, MeshUsage, dpLineStrip, vboLen, dpPoints, dpTriangleStripAdjacency, updateIndices, eboCapacity, dpTriangleStrip, primitiveCount, DrawPrimitive, muStream, hasEbo, newMesh, primitive, dpLinesAdjacency, muDynamic, newMesh, IndexType, uploadIndices, muStatic, aglet/mesh, updateVertices, MeshSlice, allVertices, dpTriangleFan, [], dpLineStripAdjacency, eboLen, dpLineLoop, DepthStencilPixelType, r, b, b, g, rgba, Rg32f, rgba32f, r, g, r, r, Depth24Stencil8, g, r, Depth32, b, red32f, aglet/pixeltypes, Stencil1, Rg16, ColorPixelType, r, g, g, g, Red32f, rg16, b, a, Red16, a, rg32f, Rgba32, rgb8, r, g, red8, rgb32f, a, r, Stencil8, r, format, Red32, r, rgb32, g, g, a, r, g, b, Rgba16, Stencil16, Rg32, Depth16, rgba16, rgba32, r, rgb16, rg32, red16, ClientPixelType, Rgba8, b, AnyPixelType, g, Red8, g, Stencil4, Rgb32f, Depth32f, Depth24, red32, channels, rg8, r, b, DepthPixelType, Rgba32f, StencilPixelType, r, rgb, r, r, Rgb32, Depth32fStencil8, rg, Rgb16, rgba8, Rg8, Rgb8, b, aglet/program, aglet/program_base, glsl, newProgram, Program, ShaderError, GlslSource, left, Recti, rectf, top, height, right, y, width, Rect, rectf, Rectf, bottom, aglet/rect, recti, recti, x, rect, rect, initAglet, Aglet, AgletSubmodule, aglet/state, height, draw, Target, UniformSource, clearStencil, clearColor, width, aglet/target, Drawable, clearDepth, newTexture3D, twClampToEdge, upload, newTexture3D, Texture3D, newTexture1D, download, height, subImage, upload, Some2DTexture, newTexture3D, twClampToBorder, twRepeat, multisampled, subImage, source, twMirroredRepeat, width, download, SwizzleMask, newTexture1D, subImage, size, sampler, newTexture1D, download, width, subImage, toUniform, swizzleMask=, size, size, allocate, downloadSync, upload, len, newTexture2D, upload, Texture, depth, download, download, TextureWrap, newTexture1D, upload, newTexture2D, texture, download, aglet/texture, height, width, width, toFramebuffer, subImage, newTexture2D, height, height, swizzleMask=, newTexture3D, downloadSync, allocate, source, width, size, sampler, width, TexturePixelType, TextureMagFilter, Texture2DArray, newTexture2D, allocate, Sampler, TextureMinFilter, Texture1DArray, subImage, upload, subImage, swizzleMask=, len, upload, Texture2D, newTexture2D, TextureCubeMap, downloadSync, DownloadPixelType, Texture1D, samples, BinaryImageBuffer, toUniform, toUniform, aglet/uniform, utMat4f, toUniform, toUniform, utMat4fArray, toUniform, utVec4fArray, toUniform, ==, utArrays, utVec2i, utUint32Array, toUniform, utVec3i, toUniform, toUniform, utVec4uiArray, utVec3f, utInt32Array, utMat3x2fArray, toUniform, toUniform, utVec3fArray, utFloat32, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, utUSampler, utVec4ui, toUniform, toUniform, utMat4x2fArray, toUniform, Uniform, toUniform, toUniform, utMat2x4fArray, toUniform, toUniform, utMat2x3fArray, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, utUint32, utMat4x3fArray, utInt32, utMat3x2f, toUniform, utMat3x4f, toUniform, utVec2iArray, utVec2fArray, utMat2x4f, toUniform, utMat4x3f, toUniform, utVec4f, utMat3f, utMat2x3f, utMat3fArray, USampler, toUniform, utMat2fArray, toUniform, toUniform, utMat4x2f, utVec3iArray, utVec4iArray, toUniform, utVec3uiArray, UniformType, utVec2f, utVec2uiArray, utFloat32Array, utMat2f, utVec2ui, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, toUniform, utVec3ui, utMat3x4fArray, utVec4i, getUniforms, SomeTable, aglet/util, NoUniforms, EmptyUniforms, getUniforms, getUniforms, uniforms, getUniforms, position, height, render, key, width, pollEvents, requestClose, visible=, Window, WindowHints, Frame, glVersion, closeRequested, AsyncCallback, framebufferWidth, size, iconify, rejectClose, maximized, restore, mouse, constrainAspect, title=, maximize, pollMouse, waitEvents, limitSize, startAsync, pollAsyncCallbacks, winHints, iconified, DefaultWindowHints, visible, framebufferHeight, contentScale, aglet/window, unconstrainAspect, initWindow, finish, swapInterval=, framebufferSize, position=